Specialized in the field of environmental consulting is qualified by the National Center for Environmental Commitment Control Reports company Reports company Specialized in the field of environmental consulting is qualified by the National Center for Environmental Commitment Control Reports company Specialized in the field of environmental consulting is qualified by the National Center for Environmental Commitment Control
Years of experience
We gained customer confidence
Who we are

A reports company for environmental consulting

An environmental consulting reports company is a Saudi Foundation in Jeddah, qualified by the National Center for Environmental Commitment Control, providing environmental licenses, environmental impact and environmental sustainability
An environmental consulting reports company has been qualified as an environmental laboratory for analysis and monitoring of air quality for the internal work environment and the environment surrounding the particles stuck in air
The office includes a technical cadre with capabilities and experiences in all different environmental fields to be one of the leading offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of consulting and environmental studies.
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A reports company for environmental consulting

Integrated environmental services

Preparing environmental impact evaluation studies

Preparing studies for evaluating the environmental impact of various activities and development projects according to the executive regulations of environmental permits to create and operate activities for the category (first, second).

All environmental services

Environmental consulting services

Preparing environmental impact evaluation studies

Preparing environmental impact evaluation studies

Preparing studies for evaluating the environmental impact of various activities and development projects according

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 Issuing and renewing the environmental license

Issuing and renewing the environmental license

Preparing studies for evaluating the environmental impact of various activities and development projects according to the regulation

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Environmental audit studies

Environmental audit studies

We provide specialized audit services to ensure your facility's commitment to environmental and health standards

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Make an environmental management plan

Make an environmental management plan

It is one of the main requirements for issuing environmental permits for creation/operation for the activities of the first category

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Providing environmental consultations

Providing environmental consultations

We make comprehensive reviews of projects on the environment and provide appropriate solutions

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construction all environmental records

construction all environmental records

Create all environmental records of all kinds and provide all facilities and papers

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Make an environmental management plan

Make an environmental management plan

Make an environmental management plan integrated with a reports company team with speed and accuracy

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Environmental measurements

Environmental measurements

Preparing technical reports necessary to submit them to various environmental organizational bodies

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Reports company

We gained customer confidence for years

Full projects
Trusted international customers
work team
Existing projects

You can communicate with us and request a free advice

Environmental measurements

Environmental reports

Environmental reports

We prepare detailed analytical reports on the environmental impacts of your projects and businesses, while providing appropriate solutions.

Environmental evaluation

We make comprehensive reviews of projects effects on the environment and provide appropriate solutions to a balance between growth and environmental preservation.

Environmental sustainability

We provide consultations to implement and implement green business strategies to ensure sustainability, balance between development and environmental protection.

Waste management

We provide integrated solutions to optimal waste management and achieve environmental and economic aspirations for industrial and agricultural operations.

We provide the best services

A reports company for environmental consulting

Saudi Environmental Consulting Reports Company has a team of experienced environmental experts who specialize in various environmental fields. The highest company provides a comprehensive set of consulting services, starting with conducting environmental impact assessment, formulating and implementing the environmental management plan to the environmental evaluation of the site.

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